Economic Empowerment

Research indicates that financial abuse is experienced in 98% of abusive relationships and surveys of survivors reflect that concerns over their ability to provide financially for themselves and their children was one of the top reason for staying in or returning to a battering relationship. For immigrant survivors from South Asia, immigration adds another barrier to this.

The Economic Empowerment Program (EEP) at Maitri aims to connect the dots between poverty, isolation, violence, and helplessness for immigrant survivors of DV and provides them with a path to self-sufficiency. Going beyond resume building and interview coaching, the EEP is customized to meet client needs based often on marginalized circumstances including educational, financial, language, and immigration status. At a strategic level, Maitri focuses on long-term economic security through job and financial capability training. We train volunteers who mentor clients and also network with agencies that can provide professional help in these areas.

The objective of Maitri’s EEP are:

  • Help our clients identify their career goals and skillset

  • Teach them to develop their resumes

  • Train them on job search and interviewing

  • Coach them to identify short-term and long-term career goals and a plan for achieving the goals

  • Help them learn to network and succeed in the workplace

  • Coach them on managing their finances